That was in Moore, Idaho. I stopped and had a chat with people at what appeared to be the most happening spot in the whole town. That spot was the gas station, and I saw five people there, or 1/40th of the towns population. Us Moore's are popular.
While I was in Idaho I came across the "ICE CAVES" which are exactly what they sound like. Up to forty something feet of ice lines the floor in the caves, but the best part of the guided tour were these guys:
Nothing beats moderately racist art, let me tell you. Those things were four feet tall, and just sitting out there in apparently the middle of nowhere. Of course, I say it is moderately racist, but they are supposed to be cave men, not Native Americans, but when you first show up at the roadside attraction, there is a, and I'm not making this up, a cave man riding a giant plaster dinosaur. My picture didn't come out at all unfortunately. But there are also some bright yellow and dark brown colored wooden Indians out front, standing tall right next to dinosaur riding cavemen. Places like "ICE CAVES" are the reason I'm on this road trip and not just flying to where I want to go. But so far, and this is the morning of day three and I'm sitting in Butte, Montana, I haven't found any more of these Road Sides. I long for the days when they were all over the place, when people drove instead of flew and there was actually some money to be made by exploiting the hell out of a particular spot on your state.
And I'm off.
Keep rolling, brave warrior.
Thanks cheb. Don't get yourself into any trouble on that hiking trip... or else!
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